
Patents Details

Sr. No. Title of Patent Awarded Patent No. Name of the Author Patent Type National/International Patent Granted/ Published Date
1 Novel strategies in formulation development of an immediate release Tablet containing antihypertensive agents and their evaluation thereof 202021053004 A Dr. Yogesh Baburao Raut, Utility National 15/01/2021
2 In Vitro Dissolution Test Apparatus for Chewing Gum 388714-001 Dr. Sanjay Kisanrao Bais, Dr. Yogesh Baburao Raut, Dr. Kazi Sarfaraz Masoodali, Mr. Shirish Basavling Nagansurkar, Mr. Rohit Sanjay Pawar,Mr. Amol Vilas Pore, Gopika Dattatray Dongare, Design National 06/09/2023
3 Automated pill dispenser 389403-001 Dr. Jiwan Premchand Lavande Design National 06/09/2023
4 Portable Device for UV-C Disinfection 378319-001 Dr. Yogesh Baburao Raut, Dr. Sanjay Kisanrao Bais, Mr. Shriniwas Ramesh Mane, Nilesh Sevak Dhavare, Design National 16/03/2023
5 Wearable eeg monitoring device 393755-001 Dr. Jiwan Premchand Lavande Design National 12/10/2023
6 T-Maze Apparatus for Detection of Locomotor Activity 202314844 Dr. Jiwan Premchand Lavande Design International (Australia) 16/10/2023
7 Smart device for detection of active constituents from medicinal plants 394384-001 Dr. Jiwan Premchand Lavande Design National 25/10/2023